As Saturday the 20th of April rolled around, I packed my miniatures into my case and set off for a day of gaming at the Kirkby in Ashfield (K.I.A) Gaming club, hosted in the Kirkby Church hall, a stone throw away from the scenic church in the middle of the village.
I played a few games, of which I will post in later posts throughout the week. But the one I was looking forward to the most, was a demo game of Warhammer Fantasy Battles 8th Edition, hosted for me by a friend, Richard, who brought along 1000 points of Empire and Orks and Goblins.
Now, I'm not too knowledgeable when it comes to list building etc. I'm fully invested after the game which was brilliant, but I haven't even done more than flick through the rulebook yet. So I will try to list what we had as best as I can.
They all had the Banner, Musician and Champion upgrades barring the Handgunners. They also had various armours and shields etc.
Now this was my first Warhammer game, and as such I didn't get as many pictures as I'd liked to have gotten. Being used to skirmish games, moving units and marching/wheeling etc took some getting used to. But I'll try to recount as best I can with what pictures I do have, exactly what happened!
We decided a simple kill everything until one side remained, or conceded, would be the objective of the game. With no idea on how the game worked, I deployed how I would on Total War Warhammer. A block of spears with Captain in the middle allowed my leadership bubble to reach as much as possible. To the right of that I set up my Reiksguard, to either aid the handgunners in fighting off some nasty looking wolf riders adjacent to them (especially after their vanguard rule allowed them to make a free move at the start, enabling them to be within charging distance before the game had even started!) or to charge the night goblin archers directly across from them. To the right of the guard I placed the great cannon with a clear shot at everything on the field and to the right of those, on my far right flank, my handgunners were deployed to hopefully wipe out the wolves, leaving me with a mobility advantage. To the left of my spear block I placed my swordsmen and Wizard. My hopes were that the swordsmen could tie up the savage orcs for a while whilst my wizard used either fireball or flamestorm to break the goblins morale.
From left to right
Swordsmen, Wizard, Spearmen with Captain.
Reiksguard, Great cannon and Handgunners |
Another shot of the table. |
Richard deployed his Orc Shaman in a block of Orc Boyz directly across from my Captain. He then deployed a big block of Night Goblins, and some Savage Orcs directly across from my Wizard and Swordsmen, with a goblin rock lobba sitting in the tower. I was looking outnumbered on the left flank. He then deployed night goblin archers across from my Reiksguard, and wolf riders across from my handgunners.
Orcs and Goblins deploy! Wolf Riders
make a sneaky move forwards due to vanguard.
Turn 1:
In this turn, we established the priority roll. I won the roll off but decided to let Richard go first, so I could observe and learn rather than make silly moves right from the start. His wolf riders stayed behind the stone wall they had moved to previously due to vanguard. Pretty much everything else other than the goblin archers and rock lobba surged forwards.
Onto the magic phase and Richard got off a spell (forgive me, I forget the name of it now) but rolled a double 6! so after resolving the spell which inflicted a wound on my Captain, he rolled on the chart and took a S10 hit on his Shaman, inflicting a wound! I learned quickly that magic in this game was going to be a risky affair.
Both heroes wounded! A swift introduction
to the risks of magic.
The shooting phase wasn't too bad. 3 handgunners fell to archery from the wolf riders, arrows harmlessly plinked off the armour of the reiksguard and the rock lobba failed to hit home.
So onto my movement! I moved my spears and swords forward, along with my Wizard. The reiksguard I moved forward about 3inch and elected to stay there. My theory was that I could plough into the archers and wipe them out whenever, but I wanted to wait and see if my handgunners would need help against the wolf riders. This would prove to be a mistake soon. My handgunners and cannon stayed in place, as neither could move and shoot.
Magic phase didn't see too much action from me as I learned all about dispelling and not rolling two 6's etc. I ended up with 10 dice, and used 4 to cast the second level fireball spell (10+ cast, 2d6 S4 hits) and managed to get it off, frying 4 night goblins. I also attempted to cast flamestorm on the savage orcs, but it was dispelled.
Shooting saw me take out 2 wolf riders, not a great amount unfortunately. The great cannon fired a successful shot at the orc boyz, and managed to flatten 3 of them!
With no combat yet we moved on to the next turn.
Turn 2:
Richard rolled for animosity on the orcs and only the goblin riders failed! They therefore had to charge into my handgunners.
Wolf Riders charge! |
The orcs in the middle with Shaman charged my spears, and the savage orcs and goblins advanced towards my swordsmen. The rock lobba predictably maintained it's position in the tower, eating popcorn and cackling at the charging lines!
No magic phase for Richard as his shaman had engaged in combat!
The shooting phase saw something quite unexpected happening...
The dreaded "anything but a 1!" curse... |
A goblin archer managed to find a weak spot in all that armour, and felled a reiksguard!
Being a casual player I'm not always one for the "it's got to make it's points back in play to be worth it" when army building, but this goblin had just sniped more in points than it's whole unit was worth!
It was about this time I'd realised my mistake. The reiksguard should have charged down the archers in turn 1, and attempted a swift reform to charge the orcs in the middle from the back. Of course, it was my first game so these mistakes are expected. The rock lobba once again failed to hit anything.
Onto the combat and things started out not too bad. Due to the higher initiative my spearmen and Captain got to go first. Due to being charged my spears could attack with the front 3 ranks, which was excellent. The Captain managed to fell two orcs, and the spears managed to kill... 0!. The Orc retaliation was completely ineffectual as absolutely everything was either saved by armour or failed to hit in the first place! Beginner's luck?
The wolf riders however, took many losses and inflicted many losses but due to winning combat resolution (explained below) the handgunners fled... but were quickly charged and ran down, destroying them completely! This didn't go all the wolf riders own way though. Due to them charging over a wall they lost a wolf rider before combat started, due to a dangerous terrain test. They then over ran past the dead handgunners into a marsh, where a further 2 were lost in the murky waters leaving only 3 wolf riders, in the middle of dangerous ground...
Not a safe spot to be in! |
This time I charged my reiksguard into the goblins. They had waited around long enough. My swordsmen charged the savage orcs, and my cannon and Wizard remained in position.
Magic saw me cast another fireball, this time a level 1 (5+ to cast, 1d6 S4 hits) at the night goblins. It hit, but only killed two due to rolling 2 on the d6. Due to low power dice count, this was all I cast! A very ineffectual round of magic.
Shooting saw the cannon fire again, and it pulled off a cracking shot. Bouncing through the night goblins it managed to kill 5 of them. Still not enough to cause a routing test but the numbers were dropping, evening the odds for my swordsmen...
Combat resumed and the spearmen and orcs had a go at it first. The spearmen and orcs battering away at each other, reducing each others numbers though the orcs were making more headway than the spearmen. The Spearmen lost the combat resolution and had to take a leadership test. This works differently than I'm used to in LOTR. The concept is similar, roll 2d6 (3d6 and drop the highest for my spearmen due to Empire rules) and you have to get below the highest leadership in the unit (or the general, if he is nearby.) Due to losing the combat resolution by 1, I was at -1 to my leadership. So with a leadership of 8 -1 totalling at 7, I rolled 3d6... and taking away the highest I manged to get 5. So the spearmen stuck it out!
Battle is joined! |
The swordsmen fought the savage orcs, losing about 6 men for 2 killed. They passed their leadership however and managed to fight on.
The reiksguard charged the night goblins with their lances, wiped out a third of them which caused them to flee, and were promptly stampeded by chasing knights! This lead us on to turn 3.
Turn 3:
Richard rolled for animosity and everything but the night goblins passed, who didn't move as they were too busy bickering and squabbling.
The wolf riders attempted to leave the marsh, with another failing the dangerous terrain test and running afoul of hidden pools. The two wolf riders remaining managed to get safely out of the marsh, but were too far from the cannon to charge it (luckily making my early mistake of not charging them with the reiksguard a bit less punishing. Though had I not lost my handgunners, I could have perhaps got into a position to open fire on the savage orcs or night goblins!)
The savage orcs and regular orcs continued fighting.
No magic again as the Shaman was in the thick of it!
The rock lobba once again failed to hit anything. It seemed largely ineffectual the whole game, but when I learned of it's points value I could see why it was good to bring one, if even to just make your opponent worry about where to place their units!
In combat, the orcs managed to beat down the spearmen until only half of the unit was remaining. The spearmen managed to kill a few orcs but not enough, and it was swiftly becoming evident who would win this fight...
Spearmen before combat started.
a further 5 were lost.
And sure enough, due to a failed leadership test my Captain and spearmen fled, and were cut down. A mighty blow indeed, and if that wasn't bad enough my cannon exploded due to a misfire roll.
At this point, I conceded the game to Richard. In my opinion the game was lost. The savage orcs were winning on the left flank, my right flank had been left wide open and in the end I had I think 5 reiksguard and a swordsmen unit left vs their orc boyz, savage orcs, rock lobba and 2 wolf riders. We played on my turn just to give the Empire a chance at revenge.
Movement saw the reiksguard charge the night goblins, the wizard back peddle from the savage orcs and the orc boyz and the swordsmen remain in combat.
The magic phase rolled around and through the use of a flamestorm spell, I managed to wipe out the Orc Shaman!
With no shooting we moved on to combat. As predicted the savage orcs broke and wiped out the swordsmen, and the reiksguard managed to kill a quarter of the goblins but they somehow managed to pass their leadership test and stick around.
A win to Richard!
In the end I had a lot of fun and it has convinced me to pick up an Empire army as and when I can. I made a few mistakes early on like leaving my handgunners exposed, and not charging with the reiksguard when I could have on the first turn. Thinking back on it, I perhaps should have left my handgunners to deal with the wolf riders whilst the reiksguard charged down the goblin archers. This could have allowed me by turn 3 at the latest to have charged the read of the orc boyz and the front of them would either already be in combat with spearmen or charged by them. This really could have turned the game in the Empires favour, as it would have been at least turn 4 by the time the two wolf riders would have caught up to me.
Most importantly though, we had a very fun game and I learned of yet another system I'm definitely going to enjoy playing. I also had another game against Adam and his Dark Elves, but that didn't go much better! I definitely underestimated the power of Wych Elves, and didn't get my handgunners into a good position until it was far too late (although to be fair, they did wipe an executioner unit by themselves when they did get in a good position!).
Stay tuned as next I will write a battle report detailing a daring rescue mission lead by the forces of Dol Amroth and Gondor. Can they rescue their men? Orcs and Uruk Hai aren't far away...
Until next time, dear reader!