Sunday, April 7, 2019

Welcome to The Sherwood Forester!

Welcome all to my blog!

The intro

I am a 22 year old wargamer from Nottinghamshire, close to the beautiful nature reserve and history site of Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood! (hence the name!). I've been trying to get into wargaming since I was about 11... but lack of funds and friends with an interest in the hobby defeated me for many years up until last Christmas when I finally took the plunge, went to Warhammer World with my girlfriend and picked up the new Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game rulebook. And boy, it was probably one of the best decisions I've made in a long time. From there, I played a few games when and where I could before being invited to join the KIA (Kirkby in Ashfield) Gaming Club! 
this has seen me play a few more games, from the charming skirmish game of Frostgrave, to the fantasy action fest of Warhammer Fantasy Battles! (8th edition). This, and a long time desire to start a blog of my own, prompted me to finally create one!

The Major Oak, Sherwood Forest on a gloomy day!

So what will the blog feature?

A bit of everything, to be honest! 
Wargaming, perhaps the odd film, programme, book or video game related post may sneak in but only where relevant. I hope to provide reviews of gaming systems, battle reports, custom scenarios, painting and terrain making and perhaps even posts of wargaming shows I attend! 
Being rather new to both wargaming AND blogging, I'm excited to get stuck in and bring entertainment to my readers!

Any particular gaming systems?

Most definitely! As mentioned above, Middle Earth SBG and Frost Grave are both my current "main" systems right now. Middle Earth has always been one of my favourite worlds to get immersed in, having read the books, seen the films and played the multitude of games hundreds of times, it should come as no surprise that this is my main system. I am slowly getting to grips with it, mostly playing 600 point scenario games, or indeed working through the Fellowship Journey Book campaign with a few mates from the club.

Middle Earth SBG - Dunedain attempt to stop
The Nazgul from entering The Shire!

Frostgrave appealed to me simply because it is a charmingly fun little skirmish game of wizards flinging tonnes of different spells at each other, whilst fighting all sorts of "neutral" beasts that are drawn to the sound of conflict! My first small demo game I had at the club was an excellent example of this. I'd send my apprentice and two crossbow men to the left of the table, along a ruined courtyard. My apprentice was sniped down about turn 3? which was a big pain... but my wizard did get revenge in killing the other teams wizard! Shortly after this, one of my men reached the treasure. The roll for a creature took place and a large white ape appeared, and was promptly controlled by my opponents apprentice due to his knowledge of witch spells! It is this randomness coupled with the small amount of models required to play resulting in a smaller play time that appeals to me, a nice change of pace from Middle Earth.

Frost Grave, a fun little skirmish game 
of daring wizard duels and mad dashes
for treasure!

Any future ideas planned?

Yes. Warhammer Fantasy Battles 8th Edition, I'd really like to start off with collecting Empire! I've also obtained a box of British Infantry, a Cromwell and a Mortar team for Bolt Action. Being a WW2 Enthusiast like most wargamers, I was drawn to Bolt Action and it's in the pipe lines!

The Outro

So that's me and my blog! Thanks for taking the time to read this, and any subsequent posts! Please bare with as I learn the many features of Blogger and also the many different ways of Wargaming. I'm hoping to upload a post by the end of the week on how my latest game of Middle Earth went, so stay tuned.

Until next time!

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