I was watching The Fellowship of the Ring the other night, for what must have been the hundredth time, followed by The Two Towers tonight and it got me thinking...
just how much of a danger is my wallet in when I watch these things?!
It had just gotten to the point where the uruk scouts are rode down by Eomer and his Rohirrim, at the edge of Fangorn and I suddenly saw the Rohirrim in a whole new light. This is nothing new to me, as I regularly get new "favourite armies" or "favourite characters" every time I re-watch them, and gain a new liking or disliking to a certain army or character.
There was something about the Rohirrim, striking from the shadows on horseback, scattering the fierce uruks who lets face it, aren't exactly a push over, and all but eliminating them and giving Merry and Pippin a chance to escape into Fangorn Forest, that got my imagination whirring at the thought of a LOTR SBG Rohan army themed around this particular skirmish, and had my hand stretching towards my phone to order some riders!
Luckily, common sense kicked in and I recalled the priority list I'd made, as shown in a previous blog post. The Rohirrim will just have to wait!
But this connection to Middle Earth, and the ever shifting attraction I have to those within it really do sum up for me why I enjoy playing this game. Being somebody that plays for mostly fun, rather than a competitive side of things, I can very easily theme an army or list on just about anything I take fancy to, without worrying too much about how "optimal" it may be in the game itself. A pure warg rider list lead by Sharku and a few captains on wargs? definitely. An all foot Rohan force, representing the defenders trying to hold off Dunland in the outer lying Rohan villages? why not!
And with The Return of the King coming up in the next few days, whilst painting the remainder of my Moria battle company, I dread to think what extra models and forces I'll mentally add to my growing list of things to buy!
Is there any particular scene in a book or film that inspires you to collect a force? let me know!
until next time, dear reader.
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